"Sophia Gasparian, known for her socio-political work is excited to be part of this charity event and has donated one of her works, entitled "Global Warming" to be auctioned off."

- Leslie Reed, TKU KarmaBlast Charity Art Auction Features Art by Sophia Gasparian

"Sophia Gasparian is the voice of her generation. Though she has curated before, Sophia is first and foremost a painter. Gasparian is known for her sociopolitical work. As an artist, she thrives on blatant political subjects. She runs full steam ahead into the relentless despair, never avoiding the harsh provocative residue."

- Kathy Leonardo, Requiem for the Forgotten: The Armenian Genocide

"For Gasparian, to be alive and in the United States, creating her artwork and contributing to her new home is a gift -- the triumph of resilience and culture over evil."

- Lisa Derrick, Armenian Requiem Celebrates Dia De Los Muertos

"Constantly pushing barriers, Gasparian recently completed the “Forced to Confront the Face of Evil” series. Her narrative paintings intertwine childlike innocence with sociopolitical criticism and her aesthetic approach remains apart from mainstream art, incorporating stencils, stickers, spray paint and other nontraditional media."

- Leslie Reed,Artist Sophia Gasparian Participates in Benefit at Skirball Cultural Center

"The work’s political irony is enhanced by good technique (the collaged elements enrich the painting) and a compelling image. There is a further irony in the placement of the debased figure inside a tidy and traditional gold frame."

- Lynn Zelevansky, curator and head of Modern and Contemporary Art at LACMA

"The atrocities of genocide that are still occurring throughout the world are leaving a tremendous impact on the modern art world."

- Sophia Gasparian, Requiem for the Genocide Art Show